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Share Your Career Updates

Did you just accept a new position? Get that BIG promotion? Complete a dream internship?

We want to celebrate your success and tell others about how 365bet students and graduates are making an impact in the local, regional and national workforce. Complete the form below to keep us updated on your latest career accomplishments.

In addition to completing the form below, please send us your professional headshot to careerservices@hkpk.net (click the button below!) at so that we can share on the 365bet Career Services website and social media accounts. 

Email us your Headshot

Please include month and year. If you are a current student, please provide expected graduation date.
What type of career-related accomplishment are you submitting?
Please provide the name of the employer where you are now working in full-time or internship capacity, or explain the context of your career-related accomplishment. Please provide as much information as needed to share your success!
Please submit a professional headshot photo to careerservices@hkpk.net so that we may share your #GovsHired Story on the Career Services website and social media pages (Follow us @365betJobs4Govs). Submitted photos must be your property, or be released by the photographer/company who retains copyright, allowing 365bet to publish the photograph. By submitting photos, you are verifying that you are the owner of the photograph and all rights to publish it, or that you have a release from the photographer, or company who created the photograph, granting permission for 365bet to publish the photograph. Such releases are the responsibility of those submitting to maintain a copy if requested.