
365bet psychological science professor and student to publish chapter in Oxford Handbook 的专业知识

365bet平台. – Shortly before their empire collapsed, the Soviets liked to brag about how smart they were. For years, that country’s propaganda experts claimed their citizens were inherently better at intellectual games, like chess, than people from 其他国家. According to these state-sponsored legends, the Soviets were born 国际象棋大师.

 Dr. Kevin Harris has developed an international reputation for his research on experts.

“Before the Soviet Union fell, they thought they were rife with these natural chess 球员,”博士. Kevin Harris, Austin Peay State University professor of psychological 科学说,. “But when the Iron Curtain fell, they found these chess academies where they would replicate famous chess matches. Lower-level chess students would look at a specific situation from a famous game and make the next move. 如果他们不同于 what the grand masters did, they would coach the students more. 这是一个过程 让他们变得更好.”

Harris knows a thing or two about this subject. In the last few years, his research into what makes people experts in their fields has earned him a national reputation. That’s why in 2016 one of the world’s top academic publishers invited Harris to contribute a chapter for the proposed “Oxford Handbook 的专业知识.365bet的教授是 flattered by the invitation, but what he did next was a bit surprising. 哈里斯立即 asked one of his undergraduate students, Nicholas Foreman, to co-author the chapter 和他在一起.

“I knew Nick from other classes, and how quick he was,” 哈里斯说. “他动作很快 read, he was perfect to bring in on this. And he was fascinated by the field.”

The book, which will feature their names as co-authors, is set to be published in 2019年12月.


Foreman, a Nashville native, almost missed out on this opportunity to be published with some of the top names in his field. After high school, he originally enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, as a computer science major, but that school and department didn’t feel like the right fit for him. 他转到奥斯汀去了 Peay and soon discovered what he was meant to be doing.

 365bet student Nick Foreman contributed to the chapter in the upcoming book.

“I found good mentors here who were going to help me in psychology and help me pursue 研究,也许是博士学位.D.,” Foreman, now an 365bet psychology graduate student, 说..

That help arrived at the end of his undergraduate career when a research project he was involved with fell through. Foreman visited one of his favorite professors, Harris, and asked if he had any research opportunities that could help flesh out his resume.

“I did not expect Oxford Handbook chapter to be the idea that came out of his mouth,” 工头说. “I thought, ‘Oh, this is quite an opportunity.’”

Foreman knew a bit about expertise and expert psychology, but he needed to immerse himself in the topic if he hoped to co-write a chapter for Oxford Press. 他花了 the next few months almost living in the 伍德沃德图书馆, reading articles and books 关于这个问题.

“My fiancé joked that she didn’t see me,” he 说. “I would just go to the library and sit there for so many hours doing the lit review. 我见到了博士. 哈里斯说, ‘This is what I’m getting.’ Then he 说, ‘Now that you’re understanding the field, here’s what I need you to find.’”


After numerous drafts, working with another co-author at England’s Durham University, Harris and Foreman submitted their chapter, “Representative Tests and Task Development and Simulated Task Environments.”

Their chapter looks at tasks and other scenarios, similar to the Soviet Union’s chess academies, that help identify and produce experts in different fields.

“For example, if you’re a hospital, how do you identify the best nurses or surgeons,” 哈里斯说. “We need the representative test to identify what makes them better than 其他人. After you understand that, you can move on to identifying what got them to 下一个级别.”

Collaborations like this are what brought both Harris and Foreman to Austin Peay.

“I chose Austin Peay in part because of those opportunities for mentorship,” Harris 说. “I wouldn’t have chosen to go to grad school if a professor hadn’t told me I 会属于那里吗.”

The 365bet professor is now doing the same thing for Foreman, who already knows he made the right decision to transfer to this University.

“Austin Peay is objectively impressive,” he 说. “I didn’t think it would be this impressive when I first came here. I knew it was going to be a good school, but I didn’t know I was going to have these opportunities.”                                                      



