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Frequently Asked Questions

Admissions Questions

Where should I send my documents?
请将所有电子文件透过 Document Upload Portal.

Any paper documents can be mailed to:
Austin Peay State University
Office of Graduate Admissions
PO Box 4458
Clarksville, TN 37044

*所有正式文件必须由研究生招生办公室收到 the issuing institution.

How can I upload documents required for admission?
文档上传过程的说明可以在 Document Upload page.

When is the application deadline?
Application deadlines vary by term and program. You can find an up-to-date list of application deadlines on the Application Deadlines page.

研究生招生办公室必须在入学前收到所有必需的文件 decision can be made.

Can I be conditionally admitted?
研究生院允许申请人有条件地被录取 提交了非正式副本的项目的正式副本. This most often applies to test scores and college transcripts.

Who should my letters of recommendation come from?
推荐信最好是来自你的教授,但如果你不能 获得你以前的教授的推荐信,专业推荐信 will be accepted (e.g. supervisors, managers, employers).  All letters of recommendation must be signed by the recommender.

任何一个日历年未就读奥斯汀皮伊州立大学的学生 or more needs to apply for readmission. The application for readmission can be found on the Apply for Graduate Admission portal.


一旦申请入学,您就可以查看您的申请状态 has been processed. 我们的办公室可能需要3-5个工作日才能收到您的申请 once you submit it. 请允许7-10个工作日处理,一旦我们收到 your application.

How can I check my application status?
关于审查您的申请状态的说明可以在 Check My Application Status page.

How can I move my application to a different term?
如果应用程序的使用时间不到一年,可以使用 the Admissions Application Update form. 如果您的申请已超过一年,请重新填写 Application for Graduate Admission.

New Student Questions

Who should I contact for . . .

请联系研究生招生办公室 gradadmissions@hkpk.net to resolve this issue.

Current Student Questions

如果你在过去的日历年内上过课,你需要联系 您的学术顾问提供建议,并使用一站式注册课程.

如果你在一个日历年以上没有上过课,请提交一份 Application for Readmission.

Where do I turn in my Program of Study?
当学生申请入学时,一个学习计划会自动创建 is accepted). 学习计划位于学生学位课程

How do I change my Program of Study?
在咨询了你的学术顾问之后,完成一份 Change of Program of Study form.

How do I add or drop a class?
You can add or drop a class on OneStop. For help with this, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

I missed registration, how do I add a class late?
您可以使用一站式的“延迟添加”页面添加一个类. For help with this, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

联系你的项目的研究生项目协调员,并完成一份 Change of Program of Study form.

How many “Ws” can I have?
获得4个w的学生将被留校察看. If a 5th W is received, 停学一学期. More information on this policy 可以在最新的《365bet平台》中找到(链接在上面的菜单中)。.

请在准备时遵循最新的论文/论文准备指南 your document. 这些说明可以在“在读学生”下面找到,然后在 《365bet平台》或《365bet平台》." The University 使用ProQuest所有的论文/学位论文/实地研究提交.

我的论文/学位论文/实地研究已经准备好装订了. What do I do now?
Please follow the instructions from above. 大学使用ProQuest进行论文/学位论文/领域 study submissions; binding can be purchased through ProQuest.

Graduate Assistant (GTA, GRA, GAA) Questions

Do I report for work if the University closes?
当大学因恶劣天气或自然灾害而关闭时,毕业生 在宣布的关闭时间内安排工作的助理将被取消 允许带薪休假,不需要补上任何缺勤的时间.

What is my Banner/A Number?
Your Banner number is your Student ID number. The number begins with the capital letter “A” followed by a series of 8 numbers.  If you need assistance with your Student ID, please contact the Graduate Admissions Office.

你的研究生项目协调员是通过你的学习部门分配的. You 必须得到研究生项目协调员(或指定人员)的建议才能申请 register for your graduate courses. Your graduate proram coordinator can answer all 关于你的课程和专业的具体问题 requirements.

How do I receive a Govs ID Card?
要获得Govs身份证,您必须目前已注册课程. You must show 带照片的身份证件,如驾照或护照. ID cards can be obtained through 摩根大学中心的设施办公室.

The Govs ID card is your lifeline to campus life. If you put money on your card (Govs 你可以在图书馆复印,在自动售货机或任何食物上花 venue on campus. 您的住宿或通勤膳食计划会放在您的Govs卡上.  您的借书卡还可以让您在图书馆借阅图书,之后使用各种设施 时间(特别许可)和参加体育赛事. In addition, you can access your U.S. 以政府身份证作为自动柜员机及密码登入银行支票户口 debit card.

Where do I park on campus?
学生停车证可在公共安全/校园警察处获得 Shasteen Building. 申请牌照时,您必须通过“一站通”进行车辆登记. 一旦你注册了,你必须去Shasteen大楼出示你的电流 365bet ID and your A number. 停车费与学费一起支付 in your tuition. GAs are not given a special parking decal.

Does the GA scholarship cover my textbooks?