
金融援助 & 学生账户

ROTC 学生 being comissioned into the U.S. 军队.

财政援助办公室: Ellington 216 | (931) 221-7907

经济援助的形式包括奖学金、助学金、贷款和联邦政府 工作研究. Most federal and state-funded financial aid programs are awarded on the 证明有经济需要的基础. Need is defined as the difference between the cost 出席率和预期家庭贡献(EFC)是由 U.S. 国会. 学生 apply for aid by completing the FAFSA online at www.fafsa.政府. The FAFSA must be submitted every 一年 aid is needed. FAFSA每年开放一次 10月. 1. 学生 are encouraged to check their financial aid status on 万仕达. 学生 must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress for Federal 金融援助. 学生 can lose eligibility to receive aid based on poor grades or attendance. 回顾满意 进度指引载于 www.阿卜苏.edu/financialaid.

为了使家长能够访问财务记录,学生必须完成FERPA发布 形式在 www.阿卜苏.edu/parents/student-info.

Course Choice Counts for 金融援助
为支付主修、辅修课程或其他学位要求的联邦财政援助, 该课程必须是一站式学位课程系统学习计划的一部分. 美国.S. Department of Education is requiring 学生 enroll in courses that fulfill 学位要求. It is important for 学生 to talk to their academic adviser to ensure they are enrolling in courses required for their degree. 的信息, 访问 www.阿卜苏.edu/cpos.

联邦政府从所有财政援助申请中随机抽取约30% 数据验证文件. The student’s financial aid cannot be finalized until all verification documents are received.

我看是就读大学的估计费用,包括学费、杂费、住宿费、 膳食,平均贷款费用(接受联邦直接贷款的学生)等. 我看 学生是否有经济援助的预算,最大的援助金额是多少 接收. The financial aid award is based on the 我看, and a student’s total aid 包不能超过它们的我看.


NOTE: Financial aid does NOT always cover the cost of books.

学生贷款对于许多没有贷款就无法支付学费的学生来说是必要的 他们. 即便如此,重要的是要有意识地做出明智的决定,只借不借 需要什么?. 学生 should plan to borrow only what is necessary. 一个优秀的 resource for tracking a loan balance is www.studentaid.政府. 还款计算器向学生展示了毕业后的还款情况.

完成FAFSA是申请HOPE的唯一途径,并且必须分别提交 一年. 申请资格将由学校在学期结束时审核 哪个学生总共尝试了24、48、72、96及其他倍数 之后的24个学期. 学生 must be continuously enrolled at an eligible 大专院校在秋季和春季学期均保持满意 学术的进步. Lottery Scholarship recipients must get pre-approval to skip a semester (excluding summer term).

365bet是仅有的两所四年制州立大学之一,学生可以利用这一优势 of the 田纳西州的承诺 scholarship. 学生 must complete the 田纳西州的承诺 申请及服务时间,并确定符合资格参加计划(请参阅 to TSAC 田纳西州的承诺 checklist). Although the 田纳西州的承诺 Scholarship is 被认为是最后一美元奖学金,它不支付最后一美元时使用 四年制大学. The scholarship only covers the average state community college 学费和强制性费用不能由佩尔大学、泰尔斯大学的赠予援助支付 the HOPE scholarship, Access Grant, Aspire Scholarship, etc.)或TSAA项目.

要使用该奖学金,学生需要注册一个副学士学位 项目提供的. 大学研究 is an associate degree in which the student takes core courses 和选修课. This degree will feed into most four-一年 degree programs. 以下 is a list of associate degree 项目提供的:

Important Student 金融援助 To-Do’s

Office of Veterans Education Benefits: Ellington 202 | (931) 221-7760

退伍军人事务部协助现役军人,退伍军人,预备役军人,警卫 以及患有美国流感的家庭成员.S. Department of Veterans Affairs education benefits and 他们获得的服务. If your student is using VA benefits, they may contact 的办公室 http://k8bj.hkpk.net/mva/veterans-education-benefits 或致电(931)221-7760.

学生帐户服务 & 出纳员的窗口:艾灵顿| (931)221-6285

学生账户服务评估和收取学生费用,提供学生费用 信息和一般付款准则,并向学生支付多余的经济援助. 如果学生预先注册,账单将以电子方式发送到他们的AP电子邮件地址 approximately six to eight weeks prior to the first day of classes. 付款 学期的截止日期是账单上显示的日期(通常是8月的第一周) fall and the first week of January for spring). If tuition is not paid by the due 日期,课程将被取消,学生必须重新注册课程并缴纳50美元 滞纳金将被评估. Dropped classes are not always available when re-registering. A copy of the tuition statement is available in 万仕达.

账单上的费用仍然是学生的义务,除非他们正确地撤回 来自大学. If 学生 withdraw before the first day of class, they will 不承担学费责任. After the first day, 学生 will be responsible for the charges in accordance with the refund schedule. Not attending class does not relieve the student from their financial obligation or entitle 他们 to a refund. 学生 已确认注册的学生必须正式退学 如果他们决定不参加. Withdrawals are handled by the 司法常务官办公室 电话:(931)221-7121或网上 www.阿卜苏.edu/registrar. 看到 www.阿卜苏.edu/student-account-services 重要日期. For appealing University fee decisions, 访问 www.阿卜苏.edu/appeals.

可以通过一站式在线支付,也可以亲自到艾灵顿的收银窗口付款 从8点开始.m.-4:30 p.m.星期一至星期五. Checks/money orders should be made payable 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学. The student’s name and A-Number should be listed on any check, money order or correspondence. 

分期付款计划 are available during the fall and spring semesters. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.阿卜苏.edu/student-account-services.

船级确认是必要的 to prevent classes from being dropped. Confirming means paying tuition either by using 金融援助 or by paying out of pocket. Even if a student’s account shows a “0” or a credit balance, they must still confirm classes. 学生可确认 通过登录“一站通”来上课. Confirmation of classes must occur every semester.

如果学生将收到经济援助(佩尔,TSACC,希望彩票, 联邦学生贷款和奖学金),他们可以在网上直接存款. 直接 押金必须一次性完成,直到学生毕业或更改为止 银行信息. 学生 should check their 银行信息 at the beginning of each term to verify it is correct. 直接 deposit will be delayed if accounts changed 并且没有更新.

Can a student grant a parent access to their student account?
学生可以将家长设置为财务信息的授权用户 学生帐户服务. The student must log in to 万仕达 or Self Service, select 在“学生”选项卡中,选择“学生帐户”,然后选择“查看报表”,“更新配置文件” 和添加/更新授权用户. They will be directed to a secure site. 一个授权 用户可以付款,并有权访问学生的帐户活动的详细信息. 由于联邦政府对隐私权的规定,学生是唯一的受害者 谁可以设置授权用户. 父母 may not receive information regarding their student’s account by phone unless there is a FERPA release on file. 信息 how to complete this form can be found on the Registrar’s website http://www.阿卜苏.edu/registrar/resources/FERPAStudentInstructions.pdf.

最常见的折扣是针对公立学校教师和政府雇员的家属, retired state employees and for retired school teachers. 如果你有资格 discount, forms must be submitted by the 逾期登记的最后一天. 学生接收 财政援助延期必须把折扣表格交给出纳员窗口 逾期登记的最后一天. 每学期都需要一份新表格. 费用折扣 程序不具有追溯力.

账户上有学分的学生,已经确认了课程,签了名 他们的标题四授权表格和有效的学生身份证将有 选择在特定时间在校园书店对书籍和用品收费. Check the academic calendar for dates. Title IV forms are included in the student’s 经济援助包. Questions should be directed to the Student 金融援助 Office at (931) 221-7907.